There are several ways to donate to our programs. You can do a recurring monthly donation in the amount of your choice, you can sponsor a mustang for $150/month, or you can make a one time contribution via PayPal. Additionally, we also have an veterinary expenses fund and a program that works to rescue mustangs at risk of slaughter and place them into rescue homes or pre-approved adopted/foster homes. All donations are tax deductible. Please keep your PayPal receipt for your records. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!
monthly contribution |
Sponsor A Mustang |
Monthly recurring contributions help us keep our herd afloat and keep our programs available! You can choose a recurring contribution in the amount of your choice. You can unsubscribe at anytime, though it is helpful if you can make at least a 3 month commitment to our herd!
We rely on sponsors to feed and care for our horses! You can sponsor one of our horses for as little as $25/month. Half sponsorship is $75/month and full sponsorship is $150/month. If you have a specific horse you want to sponsor, you can add their name to your donation below.
Veterinary Fund Donations
It is never a bad time to have donations toward unexpected and routine veterinary care for our herd. Please consider making donations to keep our mustangs healthy and happy!
Save the Mustangs Network Fund
Donations to this program go toward rescuing mustangs at risk of slaughter from local auctions and private owners.
To donate via check, credit, or debit card, please call: 541.602.8415
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!